How it works

Looking to sell or looking to buy? Housies makes it simple for you to make the most of property investing in New Zealand.

For every Kiwi.

Housies app on mobile phone


Guardian Investors reside in a Housies property. They take on the responsibility of maintaining the property and enjoy the perks of homeownership without the burden of a mortgage.

More about Guardians


Investors can buy shares in a property starting at just $100. Over time, they can achieve capital gains and receive income from the property’s guardians.

More about Investors


Vendors have an option to sell some, or all of their property. Reduce (or remove!) your mortgage or get some extra cashflow from your property.

More about Vendors


Guardian Investors reside in a Housies property. They take on the responsibility of maintaining the property and enjoy the perks of homeownership without the burden of a mortgage.


Investors can buy shares in a property starting at just $100. Over time, they can achieve capital gains and receive income from the property’s guardians.


Vendors have an option to sell some, or all of their property. Reduce (or remove!) your mortgage or get some extra cashflow from your property.