
Guardian Investors reside in a Housies property. They take on the responsibility of maintaining the property and enjoy the perks of homeownership without the burden of a mortgage.
Housies is here to make property attainable for all kiwis.
Fill in the form below to be the first in New Zealand to access Housies.
No Deposit
Buy Property From $100
No Mortgage
Guardian Investors reside in a Housies property. They take on the responsibility of maintaining the property and enjoy the perks of homeownership without the burden of a mortgage.
Investors can buy shares in a property starting at just $100. Over time, they can achieve capital gains and receive income from the property’s guardians.
Vendors have an option to sell some, or all of their property. Reduce (or remove!) your mortgage or get some extra cashflow from your property.
Live in the house you invest in! Guardian investors can get on the property ladder from as little as 2% ownership in a property AND buy more of the home over time as you can afford it. Don't worry about a mortgage, other kiwis will back you by buying the rest of the house!
From just $100 you can start to build your property portfolio. Investors receive property income from the people who live in the house AND receive any capital gains when you sell your shares to other Housies investors!
Conveniently sell some, or all, of your property! Cashflow your retirement or relieve mortgage pressure without moving out of the home you have grown attached to.
We understand that this is a new concept. Here are the list of the most common questions people ask us.